Freaky Facts about What Might Not Be Covered in the Average Renters Insurance Policy
As a property manager, not only do you need to vet potential residents but also the coverage to the unit they could potentially be renting, but does your resident liability policy protect against the more frequent damages? Covering your occupied units for all of...
ALE: The Cost of Assisting Residents with Temporary Living Ailments
As the property manager, there’s a laundry list of items that you and your team take care of for your rental community, including policy paperwork, screening, maintenance, budgeting, communications, and marketing (and that’s just naming a few). While you can be...
What to Expect when You’re Expecting… A Claim
Are you prepared for your first (or next) claim in your rental community? It’s helpful to know that you’re not alone in the claims process. ePremium® Insurance Agency is here to help you navigate through the journey. The Insurance Information Institute reports that...